Kodi Software

The following is a list of all the software Kodi Foundation offers. If you have downloaded software not on this list or from a site not specified on this list, then that software has not been offered by Team Kodi or the Kodi Foundation, and we can provide no official support for the use of that software.

Kodi on various devices

XBMC or Kodi

The only official versions of Kodi may be found in our Kodi Foundation Downloads area. Official versions of Kodi will exclusively be hosted at http://mirrors.kodi.tv, with the exception of certain specific Linux distributions.

Kodi Foundation Remote Controls

We offer software based remote controls for Andriod and iOS. Like Kodi™ itself, both official remotes are free and open source software and may be found in our Kodi Foundation Downloads area.

Trademark policy

All our product fall under our general trademark policy. All who use or distribute one of our product must adhere to the policy as can be read on our wiki page.

A Note on Hardware

Kodi Foundation does not sell hardware, either on eBay or anywhere else. With that said, several organizations or manufacturers do sell hardware with XBMC or Kodi in mind. Team XBMC/Kodi and the Kodi Foundation does not promote the use of one piece of hardware over any other.

A Note on Development and other Kodi Foundation-related News

The only place to receive official news from Team Kodi and the Kodi Foundation regarding Kodi development is via kodi.tv. There are numerous great fan-created and even team member-created sites out there that also focus on providing Kodi-related content and info. These other sites should be considered unofficial and do not represent the Kodi Foundation or Team Kodi. If you are uncertain as to whether a piece of news is official, don’t hesitate to email contact@kodi.tv.